Hello again to everybody, I am writing again to let you know how everything has been going in my crazy life...figure I could take a few minutes out of my day to talk to you, the fans...well we just got done beating the Bengals and boy did it feel GREAT!!!!
That was a very big win for us and I think it really gave us a new confidence heading into the meat of our schedule...it especially feels great to be back on the field playing instead of just watching because last week killed me not being able to play...that was the first time in my career that I have not started a game once I was already the starter..so sorry that I let you all down by not playing.
I will do my very best from now on to play in as many games as I can...by the way Zeus says hi to everybody, he's doing well, getting big and still as ornery as ever.
I am excited about something I think we are going to try and do on the site and that's put pictures on the site that are from my phone, so like this past weekend I took pictures of the stadium and fun stuff so I hope that it turns out to be a lot of fun and I hope you all will like it..well I guess I better get going I need to make sure my dog is staying out of trouble...take care everyone and I hope to see you all at the Monday night game...BR7
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