As the game gets closer, our focus narrows. Thursday's practice was a good one. We were able to accomplish what we needed to, as our coaches have done a great job preparing. The media requirements were a little less today (but always some), and most of the team is choosing to relax at night. Not much to report on my end unfortunately... just trying to soak it all in and do what I need to do to be ready for Sunday. It's a fun atmosphere in Detroit. You can really sense an excitement in everyone, just being here. I am looking forward to seeing my family soon. Tomorrow will be a lighter practice, and Saturday is a walkthrough. Okay, enough for today. I know, not terribly insightful, but I guess I'm daydreaming about some big game or something... ha ha. I hope you all are getting ready for Sunday. If your having a party, stock up on some of my BBQ sauce or Beef Jerky. You can buy them both from my site, and their the best you'll find. At least I think so. Gotta go. Your friend, Ben
Ben, I have enjoyed all the blogs from this week. It is so awesome for you to share this with your fans and I would like to say thank you. I am planning on going to a friends house so I can watch the game on their big screen tv. I wish you and the rest of the team the best of luck! God Bless You
Posted by: **Rod** | February 04, 2006 at 07:48 AM
Hey Ben,
Greetings from your fans in Brazil! Thanks so much for keeping us updated this week, it has been great to follow your journey on the way to the Super Bowl. We will be praying for you especially this weekend, and on Sunday we will be swinging our terrible towles and cheering the team on to win the Super Bowl!!!!
God Bless you and have fun Sunday!
Your Fan,
Missy Schollaert
Posted by: Missy Schollaert | February 04, 2006 at 08:08 AM
Hey Ben! I hope you guys are having fun in Detroit! It's so much fun in Pittsburgh. There was a Troy Palamaluaow yesterday, or however you spell it. It had like a Hawaiian theme and fire dancers and stuff. It was crazy fun. Speaking of Troy, I hope his ankle feels better soon! I hope you are all getting enough sleep and resting and stuff. I am getting so excited for the game. I'm gonna be cheering you on soooo loud you'll be able to hear me in Detroit. You're my favorite player Big Ben and I hope you have fun tomorrow! God Bless You all!
:) Jamie
Posted by: Jamie Kristen | February 04, 2006 at 08:24 AM
Ben, it's really great to hear from you. Hopefully soon you will be writing about winning the SuperBowl and what an amazing feeling it is to be holding the Lombardi Trophy. Pretty soon you will no longer have to daydream. You will be playing and experiencing the game first hand. A dream many have, but some may never get there. The game is almost here! I have this nervous feeling as I believe all of Pittsburgh does. But it is also an exciting feeling knowing we have such a great team out there on the field. ONE MORE DAY!!! Good Luck and God Bless!
Posted by: Angie | February 04, 2006 at 08:27 AM
Hey Ben,
Just some input from a younger fan, I think you look great in that blue Nike football hat that my dad gave you. My dad will be at the game cheering you and the rest of the team on. We've seen you all week on tv and the whole town right now is steeler crazed. Good Luck Sunday!
Posted by: N. Burris | February 04, 2006 at 08:45 AM
Sunday.? what's happening on sunday then?!? Seriously, good luck to you all on sunday, i'll be watching from my bed, with my number 7 jersey on! It's on late evening in the uk. Give my best to the team and coaches, and i'll have everything crossed!
Posted by: sasha | February 04, 2006 at 09:14 AM
You and the Boys just go out there and do your thing... Ya'll have what it takes to "BRING IT TO THE HOUSE".. Coach Bill will see to that... The very best of Luck to you fellas and I look forward to you Rockin the streets of Pittsburgh this coming week. God Bless..YOU GOT IT BABY!!! .. JUST DO IT!!!
Posted by: Vee McLee | February 04, 2006 at 09:16 AM
Hey Ben!
The Superbowl is only 1 day away.
I hope that you and the Steelers get one for the thumb. Congradulations for making it to the Superbowl and good luck for winning the Superbowl.
Your #1 Fan,
Posted by: Nicole | February 04, 2006 at 09:21 AM
Hi Ben!!! I think you are really really good on the steelers!!One of my friends Michael Todich only likes the steelers because Jerome Bettes(the bus) is on there! But i told him that he can LIKE them all he wants but i said steelers r goin to the super bowl and their gonna WIN!!! Anyways my families house is COVERED i mean COVEREN in steelers! Even our outside it has ballons on some of out trees we got streamers inside!! And my mom took me and my brother ANTHONY'S picture outside with steelers stuff on and im gonna post it and see if it gets on the steelers website!! Well gotta go!!My brother and his friend TRYSTAN are sleeping so i gotta go wake them up!!(hey! thats wut u get 4 satayin up till 2:00!!!) lulab ben!! ~*~marissa~*~
P.S!! lulab means love you like a brother!!cya!! u rock go steelers go go go!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Marissa | February 04, 2006 at 09:25 AM
Hey Ben! My boyfriend is a huge Steelers fan (has been for most of my life!) and I recently started to get into football. (Guess who my favorite team is??) Then, on a trip to my hometown last year (Findlay, OH, baby!) my Dad told me you were a Findlay boy, so of course, by hometown comraderie, you are my favorite player! (Although you're also incredible on the field, as are th rest of your teammates!!)
Anyhow, just wanted to say GOOD LUCK!! I'll be wearing my Big Ben jersey tomorrow at the super bowl parties. =)
Posted by: Jackie | February 04, 2006 at 09:43 AM
I know you are feeling this way too but I just have to say that Sunday cannot get here fast enough. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Best of luck to all of you. The Steeler Nation knows you have everything it takes to win this game! HERE WE GO STEELERS!
Posted by: Dawn | February 04, 2006 at 09:48 AM
Hey ben!
I think it is soo sweet how you still take the time out to write in your blog for you fans even tho you are sooooo busy. I hope you are having a great time in Detroit. Lately Ive been watching the news just to see you. I cant wait untill the super bowl! If your nervous its okay your going to do great!!! Get the one for the thumb!!!
Love you BEN! GO #7
Posted by: *Megan* | February 04, 2006 at 09:55 AM
Hey Ben,
Just wanted to stop by and wish you the best of luck you guys have come so far and your definately gonna win. You guys deserve it!!
It's good that your gonna see your family soon I can only imagine how proud they are of you! I know I'm proud of you! Even though I've never met you.
Well I've said what I need to say. I'll talk to ya later!
Much Luv,
Ps: I'll be praying for you and the guys, good luck!
Posted by: *Sammie* | February 04, 2006 at 09:56 AM
Hey Ben,
I cant belive tomorrow is the Super Bowl. I'll be watching it. But what sux is that I have a Basketball Game. Well its not the same time as the Bowl because a lot of people were mad. Usally i have late games but this one is early. Sorry im just excited were in the Super Bowl. I wish you and the team luck:-)!
Your Fan,
Caitlin age 10
Posted by: Caitlin | February 04, 2006 at 09:58 AM
I'm only fourteen, but I've been a Steelers fan since before I can remember, because my step-dad raised me that way. I've waited so long for a Steelers Superbowl win and I'm sure it's going to happen tomorrow. I'm sooo excited to watch you play! Don't be nervous though, because I know you'll do fine. Good luck!
Cassie =)
P.S. I've started counting down the days util your birthday...only 27 more days!!
Posted by: Cassie | February 04, 2006 at 10:27 AM
Hello Ben,
Greetings from Cleveland. I am so pumped up and excited on the eve of the Big game. I will be wearing your away jersey that has a lot of magic to it for the last 7 weeks or so. I went to a church game night and everyone there is on your side and believe we will get this one for the thumb.
Whatever you do, Ben, play your heart out and enjoy this moment in your lifetime. I believe you will be spectaular in the world's spotlight. I am expecting a major blowout, I think this team is on fire and ready to go blows with the rivals. This team is destined to win the ONE FOR THE THUMB. I have all the confidence in you. You are the blessing that Pittsburgh been waiting for the last 26 years. You are certainly the missing piece of the puzzle. Let's us win it for Bussie and Coach Cowher. Don't forget the Chief who will be looking down from heaven with your mother. God Bless you, Ben. You are turly the blessed one!!!
God Bless and Best of Luck,
David Saurer
Cleveland, Ohio
Time for it to snow Black n Gold!!!
Posted by: David Saurer | February 04, 2006 at 10:46 AM
Posted by: | February 04, 2006 at 10:46 AM
Hello Ben, no.won fan here. Super Bowl dinner is aged Angus beef filet mignon wrapped in bacon and grilled to just medium. double stuffed baked potatoes, handmade garden salad, hot yeast rolls soaked in melted butter, and triple layer red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Breathe deeply and think good thoughts! Leave the stress to us! Tell Hines to keep flossing, we believe he will have a lot to smile about come Sunday night! As always, your no.won fan.
Posted by: no.1 big ben fan | February 04, 2006 at 10:49 AM
Hi Ben,
You are representing our city so well. You are very patient and kind with the media and also humble and gracious. My family is so excited for you and the rest of the team. Sleeping has been a little difficult due to being anxious and wanting the win for the Steelers.
Thank you for being you and doing such a great job and being a great leader. We are praying for the Steelers to play their best and stay healthy. Enjoy every minute. God Bless
Posted by: Amy Celidonia | February 04, 2006 at 10:56 AM
ben i love you so much..even tho im only 15 ive been living in some fantasy world that i would be your wife someday..haaaaa. yeah i know im crazy..oh well i just cant get you off my mind..
pittsburghs rootin' for them stillers
Posted by: mandee | February 04, 2006 at 10:58 AM
Hi Ben, it’s always a pleasure reading your blogs insightful or not ;op So it’s the big XL tomorrow. I can’t even begin to imagine the emotions you must be feeling right now. Me I’m a nervous wreck, because I know how much you guys want to win, and how much you guys deserve to win. Like I said, I’m not sure what you are feeling, but one thing you shouldn’t feel is like this game is all riding on your shoulders alone. You’re going in this as a team, so try not to feel overwhelmed. Just take a deep breath, and go out there and give it your best as a team. Best wishes
Posted by: Ashley | February 04, 2006 at 11:00 AM
Hey Ben I hope you get this...It's Saturday the 4th..Good luck just wanted you to know I AM your BIGGEST fan..We are having our first child and he is due on your Birthday. That's pretty ironic seeing as how your only my FAVORITE player. I got to see you in your first collegiate start at Michigan...And My sons very first outfir that we have bought him is a Roethlisberger outfit..Can you please after the game let me know if you get this...I know it's far fetched but it would mean alot to me. [email protected]
Posted by: iamphil07 | February 04, 2006 at 11:05 AM
Just the fact that you are taking a small bit of time to organize some thoughts to put up on your blog shows that you care so much about others. You have a good heart, and are mature beyond your years. That's one of the biggest reasons you are where you are right now. Remember to keep Christ first in all, and you'll be fine! Play your heart out tomorrow and don't feel like this is all on your shoulders.
Posted by: nicolea | February 04, 2006 at 11:19 AM
Thank you so much for the week blogs. You are such a considerate person thinking about your fans. For the next 24 hours though, it's all about you and your team! Best of luck tomorrow!
Again, I'd love to see pics of your ring in a couple days!
Go Steelers!
Posted by: Kelsey | February 04, 2006 at 11:20 AM
Hi Ben,
I confess that I am not a diehard Steeler fan as all the other posters seem to be, I always liked them, but I only started learning about football this year when I sat through high school games because I chaperoned my kids in the marching band. My mother, however, still loves you guys and I'm sure is cheering very loudly up in heaven *lol*
I only wanted to tell you that I think you are a really down to earth awesome guy. I always get nervous when kids idolize football players because sometimes their personal lives aren't exactly things you want kids to emulate, but you seem to be different. I truly admire your love for your family and fans, and your respect for all the people around you, and just that you haven't let the fame go totally to your head. You are very very blessed for what you have and it warmed my heart to read that you pray. It feels kinda weird to pray for a team to win in the SuperBowl, but our church is having a dinner today themed for you guys, and we're having a rally after worship tomorrow! I'll just pray non of you get injured and let the outcome be God's will!
So best of luck tomorrow ~ and no matter what the outcome, we still love you! (although we all really know you're going to win!)
Posted by: Carol Montgomery | February 04, 2006 at 11:26 AM