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February 03, 2006



You are truly an amazing person and athlete. I just want to wish you, Jerome, and the rest of the team Good Luck on Sunday and win 1 for the thumb. As always I'll be cheering for you guys!

Love ya,


We're praying for all you guys up here in New Brunswick, Canada!


Hey Ben! Good luck to all you guys this Sunday. Don't worry about those pictures of you circulating everyone's aloud to let loose. Tell Joey he's awesome, and beat them Seahawks!!!!



I think it's a good idea to keep a low profile up there. Just focus on what's important. I saw you on Best Damn Sports Show at the Pistons game. You really think you can beat Sally at hoops? Good luck this weekend, we're all cheerin for yah in Hubbard, Ohio!


Don't worry about us and the blog Ben- just relax, and prepare for the game Sunday!

Chad Kirchner

As a 95' Findlay High graduate, I would like to say congrats on your success! Even though I'm a true Bears fan, I root for the Steelers (except for the bears game) and I hope you can bring the trophy back to Findlay! Good Luck on Sunday and hope to see you in Findlay soon. As a ND Irish fan, tell Jerome what a HUGE fan I am of his and wish him the best of luck on Sunday and a great retirement if he decides to go out in glory! Look me up for some beers if you're ever back in town. Have fun in Hockeytown Bro!


Go luck, you dont need it though. i can not wait to watch the superbowl, i am so proud of my team.
GO Steelers

June in KCMO

Hey Big Ben....Actually I'm a Chiefs "fan" because I live in KC, but I still love the Steelers and want to see you "defeather" the 'Hawks. My dear friend who lives in Pittsburgh sent me some terrible towels and Big Ben buttons. I will be wearing white, yellow and black on Sunday and waving that terrible towel! GO STEELERS!


Hey quit blogging and go win a superbowl. =) (Just make sure after the superbowl you post all your fun pictures for us to see!)


Hi Ben -
I wanted to let you know that you are the reason that I finally have started cheering for the Steelers. With moving to Pittsburgh from Ohio 1 1/2 years ago, it was very difficult for me to cheer on the Steelers. But with you being from Ohio and going to Miami U. (I graduated from U.D.), you have been someone I can relate to, and am proud of you and the entire Steelers organization! I also purchased my first Steeler's jersey yesterday, and of course, it was yours! You all are already heroes in my book, but one more win would be just PERFECT! Good Luck!


Julie H.

Have fun with this one, Ben. Win it, of course, but have fun. ;) The Steeler Nation is behind you and the guys and can't wait to see a return to the glory days of the Steelers.

Sabrina Barry

I must admit prior to this week I didn’t know much about you or the team but after getting caught up in all the SB hype and seeing the countless interviews and stories about you and the team I became a little curious. I now understand why you are admired by so many. Good luck to you and the team this Sunday!

Your newest fan from Cali.


Thanks again for sending us another message. Just look inside yourself and believe in what you can do!! Your only 23 years old and you have the chance to make your dream come true!!! I know you will be ready. I cannot wait!!

Take care....
Mandi xoxo...


Hey, Ben--

Though I grew up in Pittsburgh, I've lived in Boston for many years. I proudly wear my Steeler jacket every winter, and I have been getting lots of good comments this week; it seems that everyone I see will be rooting for us! (And this includes all my die-hard Pats fans friends.)
We're so very proud of all of you--GO STEELERS!


Hey Champ,

So I caught a small part of your interview the other day on my XM when you mentioned your dog. So I had to check him out for myself. Zeus is precious. I love big dogs, I miss mine (they live with my parents). Also, a small compliment for you- I noticed how well-spoken you are. I can tell you're an intelligent guy. If you ever get bored after the season is over and would like to chat, let me know. I'd love to know why you gave Zeus his name. Have fun this weekend.

Graesa, 23


Hey Ben,
It sounds like you guys are having so much fun well, at least as much as you can under the circumstances.
I know you guys are so busy but it is all going to be worth it when you come home on Sunday Super Bowl Champions, no doubt in my mind that this is going to be the case. I love you and this team so much, especially you though. Every true Pittsburgher is so proud of you and the rest of the team for getting us all the way, it's all for Bussie this year. This City is just ready to explode with excitment, today is Friday of course and I work Downtown and all you see everywhere is BLACK AND GOLD it is awesome. I'm supporting you all the way of course Big Ben Jersey, Big Ben Tee-Shirt, and 5 different Big Ben pins, no need to say you are my man. Good luck, GO STEELERS!!!!!!


Like so many others have said, don't worry about the blog...you will have time later. Just worry about winning the Super Bowl! Congratulations on a great season...let's finish it with one more win! GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN! :)


Yo, Ben,
Raiders fan for life (no laughs) but Steelers are my second team. I watch you guys more because I'm in York, PA and PA doesn't like West Coast teams. Oh well, my fault for being the odd man out. Anyway, it was a great season, watched every game I could. Super impressed with the post-injury game you've played. I can't wait for the bowl. You guys are going to tear it up, I think you know that. Don't that let that thought lower your guard though. Keep focused and stay aware. Walk on that field and hit them hard every chance you get. STEELERS! ONE FOR THE THUMB!

York, PA


Ben, our kid's usually have the same Steeler jersey for two or three years, they get a lot of wear. This year we were able to get new one's, we bought your's. We do it proud, you do your name and number and team proud!! Best Wishes to you. We will continue to pray for your health and happiness and that of your team mates. ENJOY this time in your life!


I just read some of this blog last night. I cant believe how much people comment on it. Yes, I am one of them but this is my last.

ciao and aloha

James Reynolds

What the heck is this? I thought you were a devout Christian?



Hi Ben,

How sweet of you to keep this blog up, even two days before the big game. I have one request - beat the Seahawks!! So proud of you and the rest of the team.
By the way, I happen to love the beard.

Nathan, Nicole and kids

Dear Ben,

Just wanted to wish you and the entire Steeler team/staff good luck on Sunday. We know you can do it! We have been praying for this for a long time;however, this year more than ever. We live in Cincinnati and would love the victory to quiet all the sore loser Bengal fans!! GO STEELERS!!!!


Ben, I'm sure you already know all this, but I just wanted let you know that you guys, ALL of you, are already hereos to millions of us.
You alone have turned so many people onto the game because of the way you play and the "personal" touch you bring to the whole affair (this blog for instance).

I don't think any of us mind at all that these entries will taper off in the couple days to come - you have a job to do after all ;)

Stay loose bud! You're in everyone's prayers, as are the whole team.

Time to finish this remarkable story off in style!



Hi Ben!! Sounds like you are having a good time. That's too funny about you and Joey, sounds like you have good potential in becoming a reporter as well lol.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Totally understand about updating the blogs.

"I just want to win this game more than anything." And you can! =o)
Pray, rest up, and stay focused, and then the day of the game, go in there and show them what you're made of.


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